Wednesday, August 25, 2010

P&A Iftar Celebration

When we say about food...then thekkepuram is no place small...Welcome to the world of eateries. Ramzan is another time after marriage ceremony a month of food. Actually Ramzan is for devoting time for prayer and becoming close to ALLAH. But in thekkepuram along with that its a month of food festival.. All house carter's different varities of food. There is also Iftar party, where we get2gether and break fast. P&A has also taken its share of Iftar party. This time it was at Suhail's house. Ashique, Nafi, Jasim, Jaseem, Suhail, Surpa , Zuhaim, and myself has taken part in this meet. Everyone had one starter and a main course. The food was real heavy. Had full tummy from the starter itself. Couldnt compete the main course. Jaseem and Nafi showed excellent performance. After food it was photo session, which the P&A is very much fond off..Finally all this it was time to pack up and move to respective house.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Life as researcher

There is a saying that a new day brings new expectation, new thoughts, new life...well then for a researcher in any area this has become a daily habit...can say each sec brings new in his mind...

Monday, March 29, 2010

P&A annual trip to COORG

The trip which is a part of P&A annual treat...great that this was P&A 4th successful trip..After a long planning we finally deceided the location..there were a lot of suggetion where to go and finally set the location....Only the members Rameez(Kuchan), Jasim (Ali Bahi) was unable to join